Audience: Jury Manager
Creating question to reviewers and referee is based on a versatile modeling. This model allows you to ask question that will be answered with a text, or a range question with or without textual justification field.


Provide here the question
Answer with a range#

You can ask the user to answer with a range, it can be directly numerical, or an ordered list of work such as “no;neutral;yes” for answering to “Would you work with this person again?”
Whether it is numerical of text range, the answer can be used in the overall score (cf Security considerations and features). When it is a text range, choices are converted in percentage from 0% to 100% such as in the example here above.
Answer with one or many choices#

You can ask the user to pick one or many answers from a list. Text choices are provided separated by a semi-colon. When typing the choices, they are presented on the right of the field.
This list is unordered, so it cannot be used in the overall score.
Answer with a text#
Ask the user to provide a textual answer. Can be used as main answer, or justification of a range/choice answer

Help text#
You can provide a help text at the end of the question. You can provide guidance in answering the question, and context.

Review stages#
A question is associated to a stage of review. A question can thus be re-used in multiple stage, of used in only one. It depends of you use case.