
Audience: Jury Manager, user who want to test app

User training for manage an actual recruitment process, or user testing the application.

Life Cycle of a Dev/Demo instance#

The life cycle is depicted in the context of the Institut Pasteur.

Chose a (part) of the url#

To have a demo instance, chose a branch name that is not suffixed by “-prod”, such as ada-demo. Once started, the instance will be running at

Start it#

# clone the project (only the first time)
git clone
# go to master
git checkout master
# get the latest source, if needed
git pull
# create your new branch
git checkout -b ada-demo
# push the branch
git push --set-upstream origin ada-demo

In your shell you will see an URL recommending you to create a new Merge Requests, create this Merge Request, set it as Draft. It will help you shutting it down later.

Use it#

Go to The first user to create an account is superuser and jury manager.

Load the demo ?#

You can load the demo, but you need kubectl installed, and you need to be granted on the dev namespace. If you understand this requirements, then see How to load the demo in k8s on know how to load the demo in kubernetes

Stop it#

It is automatically done when you merge your branch, but If you just close it you need to stop it first.

In the pipelines (A), see the job “stop_and_delete_instance” (D)

Pipelines all in green

Simply press the square stop button, and your instance is permanently removed, along with its data. You do not need to set a env variable like for production instance.

Pipelines all in green